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Ai in Education websiteAI in Education is a cross-sector initiative. It was announced at a conference on AI in education held at Epsom College on 18 May 2023, and in a letter signed by 60 school leader signatories to The Times on 20 May. The story made front page news.

The initiative was instigated by Bourne Education Trust and Epsom College and brings together senior and experienced figures who have worked in both the state and independent sectors.
It is motivated by a belief that if schools are to optimise the benefits of AI they will need to supplement guidance from the government and tech industry to provide real-time, specific and informed advice to the sector.

Our mission

We aim to ensure that AI will maximise the interests of all involved in education, students, teachers, support staff, parents, governors and the wider community.

We want to do so by ensuring that AI enhances human intelligence and experience, and does so in a way that above all is to the benefit of the most vulnerable – including those with the least means, additional learning needs and those from diverse backgrounds.

We are very clear of the risks of AI, which are very real:

  • Infantilisation of students (and staff)
  • Moral risk, not least through deep fake
  • Perceptions about cheating and dishonesty
  • Lack of responsibility – or answers to the question : who is in charge?
  • Impact on jobs.

The gains are many, but will only be realised if the risks are understood and addressed:

  • Personalised tuition
  • Personalised formative assessment
  • Opportunities for AI facilitated VR to enhance student experience of a range of STEM, social science and humanities subjects
  • Enhanced opportunities for students to learn at their own time, in their own way
  • Increased efficiency of teachers’ preparation, delivery, assessment and reporting.

For further information on this initiative please visit www.AI-in-education.co.uk.

Read AI in Education's 2023-24 impact report here

AI in Education Conference Information

BEP Flyer idea 2 (6)AI in Education Conference: Its time to cut through the AI noise

Following the creation of AI in Education, during this event we will focus on the ‘near horizon’ for AI in Education and help school leaders on how they can begin planning.

The combined membership of AI in Education – featuring some of the leading figures in UK education – will come together to explore practical applications of AI in the classroom.

This event features a range of guest speakers including:

- Baroness Barran, Minister for the School System, 
- Neil Lawrence, University of Cambridge
- Tom Nixon, Head of Government Practice at Faculty AI
- Dan Sandhu, CEO of the Education Development Trust
- Sir Anthony Seldon, Head, Epsom College.

To book your place at 'It's time to cut through the AI noise', please use the link below.

To book your place at this event please visit AI in Education: Cut Through The Noise | Epsom College

AI in Education Conference 2024AI in Education Conference: Overcoming Challenges in Education

During this third event, and on this occasion in collaboration with The Open University, we will hear from some of the leading figures in UK education – to explore the challenges we face in education.

This event features a range of guest speakers including:

- Professor Rose Luckin, UCL (AI in the Classroom: Empowering Teachers and Enhancing Student Learning)
- Professor Ian Dunn, Coventry University (Personalising the student journey: Will AI really deliver a differentiated HE experience?)
- Dr Aisling Third, The Open University (Supporting students and teachers with responsible Artificial Intelligence)
- Scott Hayden, BCoT (Empowering Digital Wellbeing and AI-Driven improvements in Teaching and Learning and student outcomes)

Delegates will be able to network throughout the day and are invited to participate in interactive breakout sessions addressing several of the challenges currently facing education where we believe AI can make a difference.

For those unable to attend in person at the OU, there will be the option to register as a digital delegate, enabling you to livestream the morning keynote presentations.

To book your place at 'Overcoming Challenges in Education', please use the link below:

To book your place at this event please visit: Home | AI In Education (ai-in-education.co.uk)

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